Polls “Wildly inaccurate” as Cais Party snatch election victory in Axminster
In a nail-biting conclusion to our Political Writing workshops series, The CAiS Party seized power at Axe Valley Academy on Wednesday by the narrowest of margins.
Mr Wolf: Innocent or guilty?
We had an absolute blast last week, working with the Year 4 Class at The Prince of Wales School as part of their Inspired to Write day. Our team was involved with Mr Wolf, who had, unfortunately got himself in a spot of bother with the local police. Accused of a crime he might, or might not have committed, Mr Wolf was languishing in a cold cell and facing the prospect of a Christmas behind bars!
Year 4s explore Destiny through stories
A group of amazing pupils from the Prince of Wales School in Dorchester have become published authors after working with us on stories exploring the theme of DESTINY. Over the course of just four sessions, the pupils chose their theme, planned, wrote and edited their stories.
Create a Character Introducing… Danni Charles Darwin
We worked with a fantastic group of Year 3 writers from the Prince of Wales school on how to go about creating a brand new character and bring it to life. Using a collection of objects dropped by this person as they left The Bank, this group of character detectives were able to identify the individual, tell us what they looked like, reveal their personality and even give us their backstory and family history.
Terrific HIEROGLYPHIC! - Geraldine’s Tail
We were back at Thorner’s Primary School last week working with a fantastic group of Year 3 and 4 students on a story inspired by their work on the ancient Egyptians. Taking genuine hieroglyphs from the walls of a pyramid as their initial inspiration, this amazing group of young writers crafted an epic tale of magic, danger and triumph over adversity.
A Survival Guide for Serious Spies
Trapped by villainous goons? Menaced by ferocious alligators? Stuck in a a tight air duct, with guard dogs approaching and sleeping gas seeping in? NEVER FEAR! The amazing year 5s and 6s from Thorner’s Primary School, Litton Cheney have got you covered. We had a fantastic time, working with this band of code breakers, spy-masters and secret operatives to write a training manual for secret agents who might need help escaping from any situation!