Mr Wolf: Innocent or guilty?

We had an absolute blast last week, working with the Year 4 Class at The Prince of Wales School as part of their Inspired to Write day. Our team was involved with Mr Wolf, who had, unfortunately got himself in a spot of bother with the local police. Accused of a crime he might, or might not have committed, Mr Wolf was languishing in a cold cell and facing the prospect of a Christmas behind bars! The amazing writers from Year 4 had to work out whether they felt Mr Wolf was guilty or not, and then write letters to the Judge, the Police, and anyone else who would listen to defend or convict him. Their letter writing campaign paid off and, just this morning , we’ve heard that due to a complete lack of evidence, Mr Wolf is to be released without a stain on his character.

Our writer’s books have therefore been released from the Dorchester Evidence Warehouse and we were very grateful to PCSO Jane Goodwin from the Dorchester Neighbourhood Policing Team for delivering the books back to the children!

The Inspired to Write day was a delight, with the whole school looking at the Janet and Allan Ahlberg book, ‘The Jolly Christmas Postman’ and it was a real privilege to be included in their plans. A huge thank you goes to Mrs Browne, Mr Spracklen and all the staff at The Prince of Wales School who constantly go several extra miles to make the learning such a lot of fun for the pupils.

As ever, our amazing team of volunteer writing mentors helped support the pupils and ensured that we had a truly memorable morning making writing exciting! So, thank you to Jackie, Alison, Rachel and Amberley.


Featured Volunteer: Clive Whaley – a man of many parts.


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