create your own ending stories
- Salway Ash 9
- Storymaking 14
- Musbury 1
- Portesham 1
- Prince of Wales School 4
- St Catherines 4
- Character Creation 5
- Thorners 4
- Survival Guides 1
- Budmouth Academy 2
- Axminster Home Network 1
- Merriott 1
- Haselbury Plucknett 1
- Charmouth 2
- Loders Primary 4
- Shute 2
- Beaminster St Mary's 2
- Greenford 2
- Burton Bradstock 4
- Broadwindsor 4
- Powerstock 3
- Membury & Mrs Ethelston's 2
- Kilmington 2
- Bridport Primary 7
- Marshwood 2
- Parratt & Axe 6
- Sticklands 2
- Symondsbury 2
- Mountjoy 3
- St Mary's Bridport 4
- Jasmine Baker 17
- Emily Stewart 9
- Staffan Gnosspelius 8
- Daria Lukyanova 5
- Isabel Garcia 5
- Imy Neylan 4
- Francesca Chessa 3
- Kate Genevieve 3
- Tin Holloway 3
- Hugh Dunford-Wood 2
- Izzy Kerslake 2
- Laurie Stansfield 2
- Natasha Hayball 2
- Samantha Dube 2
- Tom Snape 2
- Adam Beer 1
- Charlotte Grange 1
- Claudio Munoz 1
- Katie Upton 1
- Matisse Howells 1
- Phil Corbett 1
- Susanna Hubbard 1
The Cat Cow and the Tropical Island
The Cat Cow and the Tropical island by Year 3 at Salway Ash primary school
Illustrated by Jasmine Baker
Marshmallow Mayhem
Marshmallow Mayhem by key stage 2 writers at Musbury Primary School
Illustrated by Imi Neylan
the adventures of bear man and timmy
The adventures of Bear Man and Timmy by Year 3&4 at Portesham Primary School
Illustrated by Matisse Howells
the cockroach and his bath
The Cockroach and his bath by Year 3 at The Prince of Wales School
Illustrated by Jasmine Baker
The Sushi snatch
The Sushi Snatch by Year 5 at St Catherine’s Primary School
Illustrated by Katie Upton
Danni charles darwin
Danni Charles Darwin by Year 3 at The Prince of Wales school
Illustrated by Jasmine Baker
geraldine’s tail
Geraldine's Tail by Year 3 & 4 at Thorners Primary school
Illustrated by Staffan Gnosspelius
how to survive on countless occasions
How to survive on countless occasions by year 5 & 6 at Thorners Primary school
Illustrated by Tin Holloway
daisy the pigs revenge
Daisy the Pig's revenge by Year 8 at Budmouth Academy
Illustrated by Emily Stewart
what’s real?
What's Real? by young writers from Axminster Home network
Illustrated by Francesca Chessa
pure chaos
Pure Chaos by Monarch class at Merriott Primary school
Illustrated by Tin Holloway
The Perilous Party
The Perilous Party by Sycamore class at Haselbury Plucknett Primary school
Illustrated by Imi Neylan
the paranoid pickle
The Paranoid Pickle by Badger class at Salway Ash Primary school
Illustrated by Francesca Chessa
A Bacon Baguette in the deep dark woods
A Bacon Baguette in the deep dark woods by young writers at Budmouth Academy.
Illustrated by Jasmine Baker
the cheesy ending
The Cheesy Ending by Navigator’s class at Charmouth primary school.
Illustrated by Charlotte Grange
the stray and the monster
The stray and the monster by Adventurer’s class at Charmouth primary school.
Illustrated by Jasmine Baker
the vampire trap
The vampire Trap by years 3&4 writers at Loders school.
Illustrated by Tin Holloway
What’s the story about: Dunnough
What’s the stor about: Dunnough by years 5 & 6 writers at Loders school. Illustrated by Jasmine Baker
dave’s weird world
Dave’s Weird World by years 3&4 writers at Thorners school.
Illustrated by Imi Neylan