Surviving Stupid Situations

We had a brilliant time working with the young writers at Membury and Mrs Ethelston’s Primary Schools last week. We were due to have a visit from our Bank Manager, but when he ended up getting trapped in his own vault, we had to enlist the pupils to help get him out! Their inventiveness and ‘out-of-the-box’ thinking not only freed our Bank Manager, but it also helped the group to come up with a survival guide for a whole range of sticky situations that you might, just possibly, find yourself in.

Ever wanted to find an alien? Ever wished you remembered absolutely everything? Have you ever needed to know how to write a well-rounded character, or kick a spider out of your bath? Well then, this survival guide is the book for you!

Beautifully illustrated by the amazing Justyna Green (check her work out here), this collection of ‘How to…’s was only made possible with the assistance of our superb team of volunteers mentors - Neve, Rachel, Nick and Katie, thank you so much for giving up your time to help support these incredible young writers.


What’s Real? A multi-demensional epic.


Read all about it! Beaminster Bureau hits the stands