Read all about it! Beaminster Bureau hits the stands

We are very excited to launch the first ever edition of Beaminster School’s new newspaper, The Beaminster Bureau. The writing is first class and we are so proud of all the amazing young journalists from Year 9. The articles in this issue range from national current affairs to local school and town ‘hot topics’. The professionalism and journalistic bravery shown by our fearless news hounds was wonderful; they asked the hard questions in a focussed, neutral capacity and while they were skilled enough to secure the high profile people to talk to, they weren’t afraid to speak truth to power in the interviews themselves. The team are working on the second issue as we speak, which will feature an interview with Vaughn Gething, ex- Beaminster pupil and First Minister of Wales! We can’t wait to read it.

Huge thanks for the support provided to the team by our wonderful Volunteer Mentors, Valerie, Raja, Kate, Lu, Vega and Jon, as well as from all the staff at Beaminster School, especially Ms Gribler, Mr Donovan and Mr Hales.

A huge thanks also to professional journalist and author, Rob Kemp, who took time out form his very busy schedule to run a workshop for us and give some insights into how to use different angles write a really impactful story. Check out his work here .

Finally a massive thank you to Millie Hughes for the artwork, illustrations and many of the images featured in this edition.


Surviving Stupid Situations


Pure Chaos!