SONGBANK - The Launch

Voices at the ready! This week we were delighted to be able to launch our latest publication; SONGBANK, an album of a cappella songs and spoken word poetry written and composed by an absurdly talented bunch of young poets and songwriters from Broadwindsor Primary School. The group began by exploring what their voices could do and how they could use it to full effect. Then they wrote poems about, around and even to their voice. Finally the team began writing lyrics and setting them to music to create a series of thematically linked songs.

The sessions culminated in a trip out to Echotown Recording Studios near Dorchester to record the songs and poems.

Lead by the incredible Claire Shaw, it was great to see how these young writers have grown in confidence and ambition over the course of the workshops, and to be able to launch the CD at the incredible Clocktower Records in Bridport was the icing on the cake! Thanks so much to Roy for allowing us to use the space - it really made us feel like rockstars!

Thanks also to Eddy Pearce for the amazing photos - if you want to see more of his work (and why wouldn’t you) check it out here. And, of course, a massive shout out to our incredible volunteers who all gave up their time and expertise to help support these young writers. Valerie, Raja, Kate and Ambs, we salute you!

Keep your ears peeled for the songs and poems going live on our Soundcloud page very soon!


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