Songbank team hits the studio

We felt like proper rock stars taking our group of Year 6s from Broadwindsor Primary School to record an album of their songs on Friday. The Songbank team got to lay down their tracks at the achingly cool Echotown Studios outside Dorchester and they really excelled themselves!

Recorded by Gareth, Echotown’s unflappable chief engineer, the bands recorded four songs and 12 poems in less than 2 hours. Each one had been written, set and arranged by the perfomers themselves with the assistance of the amazing Claire Shaw. Each acapella piece showcased the exceptional talents of the group and demonstrated how much you can achieve in a very short space of time if you really go for it.

Thanks, as always, to our incredible team of volunteer writing mentors, Ambs, Raja and Valerie who give up their time simply because they believe in the young people and in helping them achieve their goals. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Keep your eyes and ears peeled for the official release of this inspiring collection of songs.


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