A fictional Bad Day on a very Good Day

Broadwindsor’s Jane Austen class created a multi-layered narrative to tell the story of Jeffrey and Jam-es, a turkey and banana duo who wrestled with internal conflict about wanting to be food for hungry families, while also being fearful of being eaten.

The complex tale was woven by a Year 5 & 6 class collaboration during our Storymaking workshop, and pupils then wrote their own endings. The Grumpy (and rude) Bank Manager was super impressed with the outcomes from the young writers, as were all of us.

Each class member received a published copy of the book, with individual author bios, and fabulous illustrations by Kate Robertson.

TBODAN offers one-off storymaking workshops to primary schools across the region, making hundreds of young writers published authors - all in the space of a morning! For more information on these and all the other creative shenanigans we offer, please email Creative Learning Manager Janis Lane: jan@thebankofdreamsandnightmares.org.


Food Fight!


Inspiring, Imaginative Illustration