So I am quickly learning that you need a lot of perseverance to set up and run a charity. Firstly it is important to acknowledge that I have not felt as inspired and excited about something as much as I do about this since I left college and set up my production company. But it is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster in these early days, going from one inspiring meeting or discussion to a hard hitting, down to earth grounding call a few hours later. Both are of course needed, and will help to form this charity into something really amazing, but when you are setting up alone, it doesn’t half mess with your emotions. I would say on the whole the charity is doing well so far, we have some initial funding from some amazing people who have taken a leap to support not only the charity but me at this start up stage, plus I have started to form a board of trustees who will help shape the charity with me and provide in valuable support and advice. But there is still a long way to go and lots to do, and at the top of my list is to find an educator to partner with on this adventure. Someone who will be able to think out of the box and be inspirational with our learning programmes, and not be afraid to push the limits as far as aspirations and the search for the fun in every project we do. This is my aim for this week!