Year 3s capture a Donut Reindeer

We went to Salway Ash Primary this week to talk about creating characters. We worked with their brilliant Year 3s until we were interrupted by a call from the Bank Manager; someone had broken into the vault! The children gathered the evidence left by the intruder and they all worked together to create… Sprinkles, the Donut Reindeer! Scientist by day but thief by night, she was a reindeer with a GIANT, pink, sprinkled donut body. But this mischievous reindeer had an enemy - the Chocolate Donuts!

Year 3 had such an amazing time planning the backstory, personality and appearance of this imaginative character. Finally, the group were able to report Sprinkles to the Bank Manager. The Year 3s then created their own characters, from evil dentists to ferocious animals!

With big thanks to our amazing volunteer mentors, Ash, Clive and Liz and of course, to the hugely talented Isabel Garcia whose illustration brought Sprinkles to life.


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