The Bank goes to the Melplash Show

The Bank took to the fields last week, where we had a brilliant time meeting people at the Melplash Show. It was great to be part of such a wonderful day with such a great atmosphere. We chatted to lots of people and spread the word about the Bank and the creative writing work that we do. We were able to get loads of young people to give us their wise words of advice (very useful - thank you) and type them up on our new typewriters kindly supplied by the amazing Charlie Foxtrot Vintage. A great day was had by all. It even made our Bank Manager (a bit) less grumpy! Thanks go to our volunteer helpers, Amberley Carter, Ruth Conlon and Elizabeth Harrop who staffed the stall and chatted to show-goers on the day. We’re already looking forward t next year.


Young Producers create their own Podcasts at the BYCC


Calling all young authors - Short stories wanted!