Beaminster authors have finished with a flourish!

Working with the young authors at Beaminster School has been a lot of fun and the latest in our series of short story anthologies is nearly complete. We’ve spent the last eleven weeks investigating characters, settings, folklore, mythology and changing nature, and the stories these amazing writers have produced will blow your minds - seriously!

So the hard work is done and now comes the editing, proofing and, of course, the publishing. Keep your eyes peeled for the launch announcement - coming soon.

A huge thanks goes to Martin Maudsley for his amazing input and to Lu Orza for her brilliant workshop. As ever, the project would not have been possible without the help of our team of multi-talented, volunteer writing Mentors, Raja, Ambs, Vicks, Harriet, Jon and Nick. The amount of their time they have given to enable this to happen is phenomenal and we can’t thank them enough.

Thanks also to Holly and Ranger Ben at Mapperton House, and to Dana at West Dorset Wilding for facilitating our nature researches, they really brought the young people’s writing to life.

The whole process was co-ordinated magnificently by Naomi Gribler at Beaminster school and our thanks go to her, Headteacher Keith Hales and all the staff at Beaminster school who made us so welcome. We can’t wait to come back!


Poetic revolutionaries!


Influencers! The Mountjoy YouTube Review Crew.