A Bacon Baguette 2 - Not all Revenge is perfect

With a very brave group of writers from Budmouth Academy in Weymouth, we attempted something we’ve never done before - a sequel! We know that number 2s are usually never as good as the first one, but this one bucks the trend. The catchily titled “Daisy the Pig’s Revenge On Peter the Griffin (A Bacon Baguette 2)” was an absolute blast to write and, in keeping with the tradition of sequels, it’s bigger, louder and even sillier than the original. This epic tale of portals and double-crossing dragons is a joy to read and a testament to the incredible imaginations of the students who took part.

So, are we converts to sequels then? Well… we’ll have to let you know on that one.

With the wonderful illustrations of the incomparable Emily Stewart really making the story leap off the page, this mini-epic may yet spawn a trilogy - you never know...

A huge thanks to the Alice, Claire and all the staff at Budmouth college as well as the Year 12s who gave up their time and their writing expertise to support these young authors.


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