Nick Hornby
“The only bank with any interest…I am going to put everything I ever think up in The Bank Of Dreams and Nightmares, knowing they will be safe and cared for.”
Nick Hornby
Laura Ellen Anderson
“What an amazing opportunity for young creative minds to flourish and to develop stories together through a range of inspiring workshops and activities. Instead of coins and notes, you can open an account rich with words and pictures, and let's be honest, they are worth way, way more! “
Laura Ellen Anderson, creator of Amelia Fang and Rainbow Grey
Isaiah Dreads
"deposit your passion and watch all your dreams come true"
Cressida Cowell
"You can find endangered dragons unheard of elsewhere, Wizards and Warriors, and a very special ancient magic at The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares…"
- Cressida Cowell, creator of How to train your dragon
Briony May Smith
“A safe place for my most magical and mayhemic dreams. Vaults that are vast enough for dancing around fairy rings, that don’t melt under phoenix fire or corrode under witch’s spells, and with a most charming and unflappable teller!”
Briony May Smith, creator of Margarets Unicorn
‘There is dream jars in every crook and nanny of my cave so I is packing up my splendid phizzwizards and frightsome trogglehumpers and bringing them to The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares’
Clive Stafford Smith
“Pinching the idea from Abbie Hoffman, I have long since advocated that people should steal my books as all I really want is for them to be read. So now I guess the only safe place to keep them would be in The Bank”
Clive Stafford Smith
Roddy Doyle
'In this time of nasty viruses it's great to be a customer of a bank that will look after my stories and keep them safe and funny.'
Roddy Doyle