#Bankfest is a writing festival which celebrates fiction and non-fiction, for the benefit of pupils from local secondary schools: Sir John Colfox School, Beaminster School and Budmouth Academy. The festival exists to further The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares’ provision in Dorset by creating opportunities for pupils living in areas experiencing rural disadvantage to take part in a large, cultural event; to be introduced to a broad range of writers; to experience being part of the production of a festival; to write with professional writers; and to learn about the career options available to those who are good with words.

Sketch comedy workshop

Students from Sir John Colfox Academy worked with professional sketch comedy writers; Nat Saunders and James Serafinowicz to create their own comedy scripts. These were then pitched to the commissioner at BBC Comedy and the executive producer at Mermade films for feedback, before being filmed by Benjamin Sutton at AhoyDaddy films. You can watch all the films on the link below:

The Democratic Children’s Republic of Bridport will live on, so please watch this space for more updates.

We worked with Elliot Millson to create a film to celebrate the formation of our new republic and you can watch the whole film on the link below.


We invite young writers from across Dorset who may not normally have their voices heard, to join us with a professional poet to create spoken word pieces to be performed at an event in Bridport.


We are a registered charity offering FREE creative story writing workshops to under resourced children aged from 7-18 in West Dorset.

Bank your stories with us and they will grow interest.

Every story deposited in the Bank of Dreams and Nightmares gets interest. Like any good bank we'll help your instalment grow and grow. We'll give it eyes and ears to see and hear it, words to appreciate it and applause to motivate it on. So believe in what's in your head, believe in what you can create, believe in your dreams and nightmares.

We have many wonderful books available, each written by young writers from schools in West Dorset. Not only do you get an enjoyable read, but also every penny from the sale goes directly back into the charity to provide more FREE workshops to young writers. Click HERE to order.

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Stuff & Nonsense

We’ve joined forces with creative drama dynamos Niki McCretton and Jenny Harrold, to enlist the help of Year 4 children to build a brand new theatre production of the Three Little Pigs, which will premier at Poole’s Lighthouse Theatre late in 2023.